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Welcome to the Northern Virginia Beekeepers Association

We are a nonprofit association dedicated to public education and support of beekeeping in the Northern Virginia area.

Our activities include:

  • Beekeeper Education
  • Public Outreach
  • Honey Bee Removal
  • Promotion of Hive Products
  • Best Practices for Beekeeping and Local Environment
  • Monthly Meetings and Special Programs with guest speakers and local experts

What to do about a swarm of bees.... or bees in your house or yard......

If you see a swarm or honey bees are entering your house please use the swarm alert form and a member will contact you shortly.

Swarm Alert Form 

Looking for a speaker or beekeeping information table at your event?

Please fill out the

Outreach Request Form

Upcoming Events -(just click on event to register)

  • No upcoming events

Another Pest for Honey Bee farmers to worry about!

The yellow legged hornet - an non-native that preys on Honey Bees! Found in Georgia and eradicated but....

A yellow-legged hornet on bark.

Yellow-Legged Hornet (Vespa velutina) [USDA Photos by Hanna Royals

More Information

Discussion Forums for Local Beekeepers

Facebook: beekeepersnova

Virginia State Beekeepers Association

Great speakers every month on zoom!

Contact Us

Please DO NOT use this email for reporting swarms or asking for bee removal !

Use the Swarm Form

 Copyright © NVBA, All rights reserved.

                                                                                                                 NVBA is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.


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